Red Rose

Friday, March 26, 2010

test JPJ yang hancus

past few days dok complain coz rase cam my life dah telebih gula...
tp .. ble ade JPJ neyh ..
segala rase payau, kelat, pahit sume ade...
tue la... x reti bersyukur!

My not so sweet JPJ:

1) tdi tggu agent jemput nak dekat 2 hours (t'cangak tepi jalan mcm org gila+nyanyi2+ dgr lagu )
2) dah smpai .. tau2 my turn dah lepas
3) ble bwat plak... bhgian 2 fail!
4) nak test jln raya .. ttba tgk borng nama 'prema a/p ntahsapesape' (sudah~~)
5) cik prema yg sesi 2 dah tlg amek kn ntuk aku yg sesi 1 neyh .. so, aku t'pksa anjak sesi 2.. (shot!)
6) ttba dgr announcement : "kami akan sambung semula pada jam 2.30" (whaatt?!! lagi 2 jam?!)

rse cam nak blah je mse tue! ape2 pon mmg da fail bhgian 2..
tapi .. sabar jelah ..
ade hikmah~~

Sunday, March 14, 2010


It suddenly occured to me that my blog has no theme...
hmm .. I wondered for few days ..
then I finally decided
screw me
all I know is that I'll post practically anything that came across my mind

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

pecah anak tekak..

semalam teman my mum pegi tgk student dye lwn maen bola..
mmg musuh tradisi la s.k bayan lepas VS s.k sungai ara..
siap bwk satu bas lagi penyokong (skola rendah aku xde lakk cmni ..)
tp yang frust nye .. dlm 40 orng penyokong tue ..
mcm 3 orng jekk yang sorak ..

rindu pulak nak cheer gila2 ngan bdk2 MRSM PDRM sume..
kawan aku kata, aku kalau msok padang jadi orang baru (ye ke?)
lagi2 mase lwn softball (though merasa setahun jekk )
maen phsyco player.. x kne foul pon
syok sangat2 la...
i missed high school =(

Sunday, March 7, 2010

torn to pieces

are all guys just the same or is it just me who always ended up meeting with ladies man?

my story isn't a girl meet guy, guy likes girls kind of type..
it's more of a guy meets girls A, guys says he loves girl A then, few days later said he likes girl B
what da hell??
I'm sick of those kind of guys...

geez, i guess what i said to aim2 was right. the only guy that could help me with my prejudice for boys would be my future husband (hopefully!)

so stupid of me to think u might be different

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

1 malaysia

to those yang tgk OPRAH .. ade one show nie tunjuk pasal chicago pnye performance ntok oprah ..

seriously, i watched the video like thousand times but everytime i watched it i cant help but feels .. TOUCHED
i'm easily touched by 'unity' and 'togetherness'
in the vid u can see how thousands of chicago was able to hold such huge performance. it's not easy to control a large group of dancer (trust me, i knows)
they made the choreographed dance happen! it's almost flawless..
then i thought .. this is what we calls '1 MALAYSIA'
but i'm not saying we all have to terkinja-kinja in public (dat's not our culture) nor am i saying that we need to hold a large yassin recital since we have chinese, indians and so on(though yassin recital among us muslims would be great)
it's just that video shout UNITY practically every sec.

if only malaysians could be that 'close'

link :::: B.E.P chicago for oprah