Red Rose

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

sanah helwah me!

okaayyy .. dah lepas pun hari jadi saya ...

just a little appreciation to all that wished, and sang to me!
tahun nie ramai nyanyi!
cuteee~! :P
thanks everyone! syukran, kamsahamnida! :DD

DG8 made a vid for me ... tapi sayang nye
semua x pakai tudung.. kalau x, i would have posted it ...

thank you umi&abah for the present. it was a funny present,
but i loved it. thank you soo much! :)
cik maryam, thank you for 'rock me'! akak sangatsangat sukeee :P
akak xyah beli dahh .. yeye!

p/s: cik shafa, thank u too. my rose and daisy now have a home. ;)
mr. rif'at, thank uuuu for the choc :D

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

11 amalan terbalik yang kita lakukan

Marilah kita bermuhasabah atau menilai dan menghitung kembali tentang amalan harian kita. Kadang-kadang kita akan dapati amalan kita adalah terbalik atau bertentangan dari apa yang patut dilakukan dan dituntut oleh Islam. Mungkin kita tidak sedar atau telah dilalaikan atau terikut-ikut dengan budaya hidup orang lain. Perhatikan apa yang dipaparkan dibawah sebagai contoh amalan yang terbalik:-

1. Amalan kenduri arwah beberapa malam yang dilakukan oleh keluarga simati selepas sesuatu kematian (malam pertama, kedua, ketiga, ketujuh dan seterusnya) adalah terbalik dari apa yang dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah di mana Rasulullah telah menganjurkan jiran tetangga memasak makanan untuk keluarga simati untuk meringankan kesusahan dan kesedihan mereka. Keluarga tersebut telah ditimpa kesedihan, terpaksa pula menyedia makanan dan belanja untuk mereka yang datangmembaca tahlil. Tidakkah mereka yang hadir makan kenduri tersebut khuatir kalau-kalau mereka termakan harta anak yatim yang ditinggalkan oleh simati atau harta peninggalan simati yang belum dibahagikan kepada yang berhak menurut Islam?

2. Kalau hadir ke kenduri walimatul urus (kenduri kahwin) orang kerap salam berisi (hadiah wang yang diberi semasa bersalam). Kalau tak ada duit nak dikepit dalam tangan, maka segan ia nak pergi makan kenduri. Tetapi kalau ia menziarah orang mati, tidak segan pula salam tak berisi. Sepatutnya kalau menziarah keluarga si matilah kita patut memberi sedekah. Kalau ke kenduri kahwin, tak bagi pun tak apa kerana tuan rumah panggil untuk diberi makan bukan untuk ia menambah pendapatan.

3. Ketika menghadiri majlis pemimpin negara, kita berpakaian cantik kemas dan segak tetapi bila mengadap Allahbaik di rumah maupun di masjid, pakaian lebih kurang saja bahkan ada yang tak berbaju. Tidakkahini suatu perbuatan yang terbalik.

4. Kalau menjadi tetamu di rumah orang dan di beri jamuan, kita rasa segan nak makan sampai habis apa yang dihidangkan kerana rasa segan dan malu, sedangkan yang dituntut dibanyakkan makan dan dihabiskan apa yang dihidang supaya tuan rumah rasa gembira dan tidak membazir.

5. Kalau bersolat sunat di masjid amat rajin, tapi kalau di rumah, sangat malas. Sedangkan sebaik-baiknya solat sunat banyak dilakukan di rumah seperti yang dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah untuk mengelakkan rasa riak.

6. Bulan puasa adalah bulan mendidik nafsu termasuk nafsu makan yang berlebihan tetapi kebanyakan orang mengaku bahawa dalam carta perbelanjaan setiap rumah orang Islam akan kita dapati perbelanjaan di bulan puasa adalah yang tertinggi dalam setahun. Sedangkan sepatutnya perbelanjaan di bulan puasa yang terendah. Bukankah terbalik amalan kita?

7. Kalau nak mengerjakan haji, kebanyakan orang akan membuat kenduri sebelum bertolak ke Mekah dan apabila balik dari Mekah tak buat kenduri pun. Anjuran berkenduri dalam Islam antaranya ialah kerana selamat dari bermusafir, maka dibuat kenduri, bukan kerana nak bermusafir, maka dibuat kenduri. Bukankah amalan ini terbalik? Atau kita mempunyai tujuan lain. ??

8. Semua ibubapa amat bimbang kalau-kalau anak mereka gagal dalam periksa. Maka dihantarlah ke kelas tuisyen walau pun banyak belanjanya. Tapi kalau anak tak boleh baca Quran atau solat, tak bimbang pula bahkan tak mahu hantar tuisyen baca Quran atau kelas khas mempelajari Islam. Kalau guru tuisyen sanggup dibayar sebulan berpuluh ringgit satu pelajaran 8 kali hadir tapi kepada Tok Guru Quran nak bayar RM15.00 sebulan 20 kali hadir belajar pun menggeletar tangan. Bukankah terbalik amalan kita? Kita sepatutnya lebih berbimbang jika anak tidak dapatbaca Al Quran atau bersolat dari tidak lulus periksa.

9. Kalau bekerja mengejar rezeki Allah tak kira siang malam, pagi petang, mesti pergi kerja. Hujan atau ribut tetap diharungi kerana hendak mematuhi peraturan kerja. Tapi ke rumah Allah (masjid) tak hujan, tak panas, tak ribut pun tetap tak datang ke masjid sedangkan itu ialah peraturan Allah. Sungguh tak malu manusia begini, rezeki Allah diminta tapi nak ke rumahNya segan dan malas.

10. Seorang isteri kalau nak keluar rumah samada dengan suami atau tidak, bukan main lagi berhias. Tetapi kalau duduk di rumah, masyaAllah. Sedangkan yang dituntut seorang isteri ituberhias untuk suaminya, bukan berhias untuk orang lain. Perbuatan amalan yang terbalik ini membuatkan rumahtangga kurang bahagia.

11. Kita cukup teruja untuk forward kan sms atau emel dalam bentuk jokes, gossip2 artis kepada kawan2. Malah kebanyakkan sms emel tersebut tidak benar dan boleh menjatuhkan maruah org lain. Tapi kenapa susah sangat nak forward emel2 peringatan sebegini kepada kawan2 kita??.....

Cukup dengan contoh-contoh di atas. Marilah kita berlapang dada menerima hakikat sebenarnya. Marilah kita beralih kepada kebenaran agar hidup kita menurut landasan dan ajaran Islam yang sebenar bukan yang digubah mengikut selera kita. Allah yang mencipta kitamaka biarlah Allah yang menentukan peraturan hidup kita. Sabda Rasullullah SAW: "Sampaikanlah dariku walaupun satu ayat." (Riwayat Bukhari

Sunday, November 28, 2010

aku jatuh cinta

shoot betul..
saya sudah head over heels dengan dia.
siapa dia?

dia adelah ...

tapi baru tukar phone...
nak mati ke tukar phone laen?
sangat-sangat sukeee ;(

i'm grateful

Ya Allah, i'm grateful that when You decided to test my faith,
 You gave me something i can bear,
indeed You are too kind to me, Ya Allah.. 
when i constantly forgets You
when i was ungrateful most of the time

i used to cry because of him.
that moment i almost thought that i was in the deepest hole
then i realized, there are those outside who's more hurt than i am
but they managed a cool face and, be calm.

Ya Allah, please give strength to her,
whom i love so much
strengthen her faith in you to face all the obstacles in life
may You reward her in the hereafter

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

awak,, saya penat

sekejap nak, sekejap tak nak,,
awak .. saya dah penat sangat ,,
tapi saya ingat lagi awak pernah pesan
"kena uji sikit2 sabar...sabar..."

awak tau tak... kata-kata awak satu-satu nya kekuatan yang saya ada untuk tidak berputus asa.
tapi kan awak, bila saya dah x perlu berpegang pada janji itu, awak tolong lah bagitau saya,,

award from AIMI HAFIZAH

award ini diberi oleh cik aimi hafizah! ;)

1.berikan satu nickname untuk saya: MEKMI sayang!
2.ucapan untuk pemberi award: 
thank you mekmi, saayaanng ang! rinduuu ang!! muahxmuahxmuahx!

3.listkan 6 artis/band/group yang korang minat: PARAMORE, hey monday, HILLARY DUFF (teeheee~), anything in GLEE!

4.bagi award ni kepada 10 blogger yang mempunyai blog yang cantik dan cun:
whyda ramzi
anati saufi
amirah tetpei
choccy blood ;)

Friday, November 12, 2010


kena tipu lagi ke aku nie?

bnyk kali kena tipu ngan kau.
dah laa.. saya penat laaaa..

nak rehat dulu dari semua ke-serabut-an ini.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Asyif

2nd november 2010.

happy birthday mr. asyif!
χαρούμενα γενέθλια
buon compleanno
joyeux anniversaire
feliz aniversário

you're older, wiser, greater, HOTTER?

may Allah bless your life my friend.
may you become a better Muslim, insyaAllah :)

oohh yeah,
merendah2kan diri sendiri.
you are perfect as you are.
because Allah created you.

Monday, November 1, 2010

to: Mr. Yuserrie Zainuddin, abi.

sanah helwah ya abah!
semoga Allah berkati umur abah.
u have been a great dad.
other girls would be proud of their own dad.
guess what?
so am I!

i'm proud that I have you as my dad.
you are more that i could wish for.
you are not the kind to shout at us.
but it doesnt mean you don't care
but i think it's because you want us to make our own mistake.
you and umi are always there to support us.
and we are very grateful for that.
i'm not good with words
but there is one thing that we would regret if we never get the chance to say it to you.

nuhibuka hubban shadidan daiman.

to Abah, with LOVE
your sons and daughters~

Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy birthday nila dan tepung

31 October 2010.

selamat hari lahir cik wahida ramzi~!

okay, memula.. menang kitaorang bwat xtau habis-habisan laan ngan cik kak nie.. memang hampeh tak wish happy birtday ke.. semoga panjang umur ke ape2.. walaupun kitaorang stay up sampai pkul 3!
semua buat muka rilex,, cool jaaa.. macam takde ape-ape special event.

okay, adelahh sekali aku TERkantoikan ... masa nak sibuk-sibuk cari imam solat maghrib, aku terlepas

"wahida la! dia birthday girl!"

sumpah masa nie muka wahida nampak bercahaya! ahahha~
hepi ekkhh? xP

then, bila aina dah balik tue,, mula laaa event kami.
mula-mula.. punyee laaa jenuh nak bagi wahida mandi kat tandas 'terbuka'. bukan tandas tue terbuka, tapi tandas tue dye xde atap laa kira nye. macam2 kitaorang buat dalam tandas 'kegemaran' wahida tue. pretend buang air besar lama2 laaa, then kejap sorang .. sorang .. masuk tandas konon nak buang hajat.
tapi wahida niee.. degil, nak jugak mandi dlm tandas 'tertutup' tue. so, plan A nak curah air nila+tepung dari atas fail!

xpelah . then aku and azira pun buat2 mandi jugak. padahal masa tue shaz ngan sher tengah sibuk bancuh air nila + tepung (xleh letak macam2 sgt .. x baiik oo.. xP )

 "wahida,, jangan tinggal aku sorang2 tau .. nanti nak kuaq, gitau aku"

sebenarnya tengah tunggu cue nak simbah air. okay ,,, sibuk2 laa bancuh semua-semua benda tue..

"aisyah, aku dah sudah nie,, nak kuaq dah"
(lebih kurang laaaa)

kelam kabut gak masa tue, sebab tak ready lagi sebenarnya!
tapi wahida dah keluar dahh , then, macam semua terkaku tak tau nak buat ape, tiba-tiba sher dengan tangkas nye, menyimbah air bancuhan tersebut kat wahida.
habes laa ungu segala benda yang ade kat dye , termasuk ngan dia2 skali.
 oleh kerana baldi itu berat, sher yg comel dan kecil itu tak larat nak angkat, dye gune gayung simbah sikit-sikit. tapi mcam x best .. then aku dengan rela hatinye angkat baldi tue and trus curah kat wahida. dan terjadilah perang air nila antara aku ngan wahida dalam bilik air, yang kemudian berlanjutan menjadi perang air antara wahida, sher, shaz, aina, azira, aisyah .

inilah hasilnye,,,

tak boleh upload lebih-lebih.. gambar lain bahaya!

anyways, dear wahida ramzi,
selamat hari lahir
semoga Allah memberkati hidupmu
dan semoga kau menjadi muslimah idaman mujahid ;)
owhh, silap. idaman 'dia'

sincerely, with lots of love,

p/s:yang xleh blah nyee.. lepas tue, whyda mengaku, dye sedih gakk sebab ingat kitaorang tak igt .. ahhaah~!!

to: Maryam Syazana Yuserrie

dear khalilati,

please don't be sad. i'm always there for you even it always seems like i'm not. you know how much i sucked at this mushy-mushy-feeling things right? so, DONT U DARE LAUGH at my attempt.

i'm sorry that i sucked as your older sister, that i wasn't such a good sister, and for the fact that i used to back 'him' up before.i realised now how much it hurts. so, i won't accept him more that friends as long as u won't approve, however, if by god's will we were meant to be together, i hope you wont hate me.

about the stresses you are going through, you should know better that to gain happiness u have to go through several trials. that way, the fruit wud be 10x sweeter, insyaAllah. that way, you will know that you being there on decemberis because you worked hard forit . please don't be sad, la tahzan khalilati, Allah knows u can handle the trials and errors, Allah loves you, that is why Allah test you. be calm and go through it with Allah's help and guidance. may it bringsyou closer to Allah thatu already are. insyaAllah

i'm sorry that i wasn't at home when you were sooo little. that you have to go through the life of an 'only' child. sorry that i practically stole your 'childhood' weekends. because you have to visit me at the hostel EVERY week.
 i'm sorry that i was always rude to u, calling you names, but you should know better i don't mean it AT ALL!
no matter how many times i bullied you, you should know i still loves you, and i soo don't know what i did that i deserve such sister. u should deserve better sister but Allah gave me the chance to have you, alhamdulillah .. i'm really grateful i have YOU as my sister and not sumone else.

La Tahzan, please don't shed tears unless it's tears of repent to Allah. coz it hurts me even if it seems like i wasn't affected at all. i hate seeing you cry because i don't want you to be weak like me.

anytime you need someone to talk to, i am always there, i will always stand by your decision as long as it doesn't go against Islam


adik, akak dah geli ddaaaahh niee..
adik, nanti jangan gelak terbahak2 tauu!! akak penat2 nangis masa type bnda nie..adik jgn pndai nak gelakk ekkhh..

dear future husband ku,

sila hadiahkan saya 'snow globe' untuk hantaran masa kita kahwin nanti okay?
saya tak minta benda mahal-mahal. Saya nak benda nie jekk. yang lain-lain, awak bagi ikut keikhlasan hati awak. Tapi nanti kan, awk jangan laa beli yang ade patung binatang ke, orang ke ekh? nanti saya tak boleh simpan.

with love,bakal isterimu.

p/s: kalau awak bagi yg personalized punye snow globe, saya akan bertambah-tambah sayang kat awak.

kamu KEJAM

ayat kau makin kejam laaah lately.
kamu mesti tau siapa 'kamu' kaannn?
kenape? kenape kejam sgt?
(xdelah kejam sangat.. tp kejam dari biasa..)
ke aku yg feeling?
eh, ngade2 laaakk ,,
suka hati kau laaa nak kejam ke ape kan?
aku sape nak sibuk2?

*okay .. kejam tue, bunyicam kau jahat sgt jekk kan? xlah...bkn kejam pun. ntah. ape2 lah.*

i heart this blog.

this blog is, so far 100% poetry. written by my dear classmate, FATIN NUR HAFIZAH.
a very sweet demure girl. okay, i may not know much about poetry. but i think she knows what she's doing! ;)
babe, you are soo going to rock poetry class! ;)

azam DG8 *nose flares*

DG8 officially made a 'to-do/be-list'. so mari review, so far.. what is the progress yeekk?

1. tidak menerima cinta mana2 lelaki. cinta Allah cinta hakiki

okay, benda nie bukan bertujuan utk langgar fitrah yg telah Allah cipta, cuma buat masa ini.. tumpuan perlu diberikan kepada PELAJARAN. kalau nak bercinta jugak pun .. jgn abaikan pelajaran.. and of course, make sure, love Allah before you love a human.

2. Solat tepat pada waktu

dalam erti kata lain, solat awal2 waktu laa. Alhamdulillah, tak susah nak bwat benda nie,, tambah2 kena kejar schedule lagi.. semoga berterusan menjadi amalan, Amiin~

3. kurangkan menopup (if that's even a word)

faham2 jelaahh kenapa. hehehe~

4. jangan meng'usha' dan di'usha'

hahaha~! okay, yg part di'usha' tue mmg xleh blah! jgn meng'usha' rsenye parallel to no.1, tundukkan pandang! ;P

5. jadi ORANG!

also means, 'jadi baik', be a better muslim, insyaAllah

6. mengaji setiap malam kecuali.....

yeah, faham2 jelah kecuali apa. semoga kami lebih dekat pada-Mu Ya ALLAH. dak2 bilik mmg no hal bwat benda neh .. aku je kott.. slalu gak selang2 hari .. (okkaaayy, sila UBAH! CHAIYOOK!)

7. Setiap malam tido awal. elakkan bergosip.

so that we wud be fresh for class for the next day! wheee~ .. but, yeah.. so far.. wearefar astray from THIS.

8. pergi kelas awal

alhamdulillah .. so far, benda nie kami berjaya buat! even NINA! wheeee~
DG8 hebbaatt! *clapclap*clapclap*

9. stay up ramai2

okie, bercanggah dgn no.7, tp nie sbnrnya.. stay up ramai2 utk STUDY. insyaAllah

10. baca Yasin & Qiam setiap malam jumaat.

baca Yasin, insyaAllah .. Qiam ... okay2.. we'll try. ganbatte!

11. Puasa wajib/sunat on monday and thursday.


12. kurangkan mengutuk/memerli/menghina

addeeehhh.. yang nie laa yg paling SUSAH skali! ahhaha~ .. kadang2 tue.. megutuk dan memerli sekadar utk bergurau,, tp,, mane tau ade yg terasa kan? hati org lain2 mehh .

13. hormat privasi orang lain.

sila JANGAN baca inbox orang! ahaha~.. xde lahh .. so far, benda nehh xde masalah, insyaAllah .. masing2 pandai hormat privasi org lain .. kamsahamnida~ :)

14. simpan rahsia elok2.

yang faham2 la.. orang gitau rahsia sebab dye percaya kan kita. so, simpan elok2. rahsia itu juga amanah, kan dalam Islam kita kena jaga amanah elok2? (peringatan utk diri sndri jugee)

15. jangan buat perkara yg mencurigakan .

no comment~

16. kemas tempat tidur everyday

alaaa.. stakat lipat selimut elok2, susun bantal kemas2..xkan xleh kan? ;)


ditujukan khas kepada?? ahahhaa~~ SEMUA dak DG8 yg sememangnye kaki 'masuk-bakul-angkat-sendiri'

18. lepas makan <>aina buang sampah

sekadar nak pasti kan dorm sebersih mungkin xP

19. senyum sokmo xD

ibtisam! senyum kann sedekah .. plusss,, it gives out positive energy to people around u ;)

20. dilarang memotong

as in, cut in bila orang tgh other words. hormati laahh org yg tgh cakap tue .. KOT!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

saya KASAR?

saya TAK PERNAH mintak nak jadi kasar.
tak pernah. tak pernah. tak pernah.
i guess.. my surroundings made me that way.
teringin sangat nak jadi perempuan lemah-lembut bahasa, perlakuan, dan sebagai nya..
tapi .. everytime i tried, ade suara-suara sumbang yg mengata.
and.. kadang-kadang.. sifat 'semula jadi' tue, akan muncul jugak tanpa dikehendaki.

igt best ke kalau org panggil kita 'lelaki/tomboy'?
serious x suka sangat-sangat!

bukan tak pernah cuba jadi 'perempuan'
pernah je..
sebab sangat-sangat-sangat nakk ..
tapi.. people still see me as 'kasar'?

what i need is motivation and guidance.
nie.. sikit2 kutuk..

"apehal keras sangat?"

"kau nie, kasar laaa..perempuan ke ape?"

"kau tak boleh lembut sikit ke?"

ade jugaak yg suka suki memerli.. kan bagus kalau korang cakap elok2 kat aku.. sebab ..

kutukan hanya akan buat aku lebih 'mengeras' diri sebab nak counter segala kutukan korang tue. kalau x.. konfem banjir dah!

blah.blah.blah. whatever. daahh laa korang. aku dah x kesah.
suka hati laa aku nak bwat perangai mcm mana pun .. asal kan x langgar syariat ISLAM
tapi, slow2.. aku akan ubah .. jadi,


Monday, October 25, 2010

secret santa?

we don't, never, won't celebrate X-mas!

we had a exchange gift event, without telling to whom will we give the present
(but most of em' just cant seem to follow the rules. ahaha~)

okay, nevermind that.
just wanna tell ya what i got ...

sukeeee sgt!
coz i just started liking sophie kinsella few months ago.
i used to not like her..

terima kasih AZRINA SULEIMAN.



my semester holidays are filled with .. boredom and hotels.
well, we followed my dad a lot.

2 days in terengganu
4 days in sabah
3 days in PENANG!

terengganu, we went to awana kijal. there is NOTHING there. NOTHING. thank goodness it's only for 2 days. and i met my course-mate-to-be, asyraf badrul hisham.

later, we went to karambunai, sabah. i still remember their tagline, 'some say it's heaven'
okayyy, when i first googled karambunai.. i said the same thing too!
coincidently, of course.
one flaw is that the hotel is one hour away from the city!
we had to take a shuttle to go to the city
then we went to 'pasar Filipino' and met a lot of philipinos who migrated here.
and the most unforgetable moment was when we went to a spa.
(errrghh.. that's a first, and the last!)

last but not least.. PENANG!
the fuuny part was when kitaorang tahan makan from lunch till 10 p.m coz nak gie makan nasi kandar beratur.
ntahapeape jee..
(sempat laa jgk perut masuk angin, ribut, taufan semua)
then, check-in kat vistana (located few miles away from our beloved home!)
the next day, planned on meeting dila and asyif..
unfortunately.. dila just got back from ipoh, so i'm pretty sure she's tired.
asyif, ahhaha~
it's another story..
i end up going to QB ngan org lain
(syukran kepada orang itu kerana sudi datang)
at nite, gie makan char kuetiau(my fav!)
sukeee sangat!
lepas dahh rindu kat char kuetiau penang.
and then .. proceed to 'burger GB'
long story why we called it 'burger GB'..
but my mum really loves this stall
( which i don't know why.. coz I don't eat them (the burger of course) )
i guess.. that's all.

blah2.. whatever~

Monday, October 11, 2010

cream puff~

PMR ends today~!
(gaya kauu jekk yg PMR.. =__=")
anyways,, my sis likes cream puff or whatever u called it to be.
so i decided to TRY making some for her.
(yeah.. good thing she doesnt read my blog.. or she'll say "akak, ape geli sangat?")
and.. i was excited bilaaa benda tue menjadi.
(MENJADI okayy.. bukan SEDAP. just MENJADI)
i don't really know how it suppose to taste since i'm not a fan of it.
and my sis n mum is fasting.. so, the 'evaluation' would be done during iftar
but anyways.. i'll put some picture later coz skrng x jumpa cabel.

and here's the recipe.

for the cream puff whatever.. (it makes 10)


  • 100ml plain water
  • 45g butter
  • 60g flour
  • 2 eggs (100g)

how to's~

  1. preheat oven (200C)
  2. alaskan oven plate dengan aluminium foil and grease it. but i skipped the aluminium foil part. grease the oven plate terus. (make sure it's CLEAN though)
  3. sift(ayak) flour in a bowl, set aside
  4. beat eggs in different bowl, set aside
  5. insert butter and plain water in a pot and let it boil.
  6. once it boils, insert the flour and stir.
  7. stir until no batter sticks to the pot
  8. then insert eggs and stir again
  9. put your batter in a piping bag and pipe ur batter on the greased foil/oven plate.
  10. spray some water on it (i skipped this one too. sbb terlupa. ngeh3~)
  11. bake it for about 15-20 minutes (u have to frequently check up on it)

for the fillings~

i know it's not the best of instructions. but.. gud luck~ ;)

basically i took it from '' but the page keeps crashing so i can't put up a link.

fillings dye.. nnt laa post recipe

Sorry Sangat-Sangat! =(

i'm sooo sorry about the whole 'one-utama' thing..
really.really sorry.
aku segan nak call/sms korang..
takut korang marah..
sorry sangat.sangat.sangat!

p/s:: dont hate me please =(

Monday, September 27, 2010


nadya kata.. "don't do it sayang"
nadya, I don't think I would.
because I feel VERY insecure.
guess what.
what I just read made me all so sure that ...
I wont be able to put up with it.
I am literally killing myself aren't I?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"you know, it's sweet how he remembers the little details about you"
syud- tentang DHIYA.
my say: couldn't agree more

PHONE survey.

what is your current ringtone:
paramore- brick by boring brick

what is your current wallpaper:
a pic of me, adik, umi & abah on hari raya

what was the last picture u took:
wahida holding a red rose

go to ur inbox and type the 5th message:
"RM0 whyda ramzi lagi 3 booklet......emmm" (hahaha~!)

how many contacts do you have on your phone?
100++ jekk

who was the last person u spoke to on the phone?

what service do you have?

who's on your speed dial number?
umi, abah, '*124#'

how many contacts starts with J?
one- JIAH

who do you call the most?
umi, abah, him, nadya

how many text messages u get a month?
lost track of them

go to your SENT.. what does the first text says?
'hoi. brape tlinga kau ade? hahaha'

last person that texted you?

last person you added to your contact?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

fantasies and realities

SUBJECT : Babies. (yes, babies)

last night I dreamt of getting a baby girl. yes, me in that dream got pregnant.
'my baby' was soooo damn cute! (amira kata, kalau parents dua2 hodoh.. anak memang comel =__=")
whatever. =P
anyways, i was soo happy.. but in my dream i had trouble taking care of my baby
and i was a very bad bad bad mother. (hey, i'm like.. 18?!)
owh, and i also had a problem of having a husband who is constantly outstation because I can actually recount in my dream that I wanted to wait till my husband come back home to give the baby a name.
but somehow my wait was endless (T___T) so I decided to name her anyways.
and... I named her 'AULIA INSYIRAH'. I have no idea how in the world I could actually think of a sensible name in a DREAM? (okayy.. maybe because I have always loved the name 'insyirah'). Hmm.. amira actually said that was a good name. LOL~

okay, back to my blogpost title. FANTASIES and REALITIES.

fantasy babies. they don't cry. don't puke. don't eat, drink and pass motion. they don't get on your nerves. you can easily pass them to your mom if u got sick of taking care of her. you don't have to 'educate' her. you don't have to make sure they become a good muslim to build up the ummah one day. OMG! there's so many you-don't-have-to's!!

reality babies. you HAVE to deal with late night cries. LATE.LATE.LATE.night cries. pukes.poops.perut kembung. meragam.trying to get them to sleep is another thing! (especially if u get the hyperactive babies). mendidik when u urself have loose foundation in faith. sabar. makan hati. makan jantung. makan limpa. blahh..blah.. BUT. guess what?

i still want them. xP
(just, not yet. hahaha~)
okay, enough crap. merapu. kalau umi&abah baca nieeee... hahahaa~~!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


it's a little something i'm interested in
but never had the time to engross myself in it.
because. me and artsy stuff don't get along well
(arts seems to have a never ending grudge on me. xP)
pluss... i dont have enough PATIENCE!
thinking of digital scrap-booking instead.
(hahahahaa~!! lazy-BUM!)

some of the examples :::

CUTE? ;)
andd... I LOVE THAT AS FOR THE FACT.. it's

100 one-oh-one

a little sumthing i picked up from my friend's friend's blog.
~credits to Anati Saufee~

time:: 10.49 a.m, 22sept2010

1. Last beverage: plain water
2. Last phone call: my friend
3. Last text message: Nadya Nanda
4. Song stuck in your head: Don't stop believing
5. Last time you cried: ???????

6. Dated someone twice: err? nope
7. Been cheated on: YES !
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: HUUUHHHHH?!!
9. Lost someone special: YES.. ;(
10. Been depressed: du-uh!
11. Been drunk and threw up: uish, NEVER LAH !

12. Blue
13. purpleeeyyy

14. Made a new friend: yes :P
15. Fallen in love: no
16. Laughed until you cried: no. AND NEVER DID?
17. Met someone who changed you: YES!
18. Found out who your true friends were: definately~!
19. Found out someone was talking about you: yes, and it hurts
20. Kissed anyone on your friend's list accidentally: what's with this kissing thing? hhaha~. no!
21. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 95% !
22. How many kids do you want to have: shhhhh~. haahha~
23. Do you have any pets: currently, NO
24. Do you wanna change your name: no way. i LOVE my name
25. What did you do for your last birthday: MOVED TO KUANTAN! =((
26. What time did you wake up today: 6.15 a.m.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping (iyess, i slept at 12 a.m)
28. Name something you CANNOT wait for: KIDS! hahaha~
29. Last time you saw your Mother: 5 days ago.. ='(
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing, insyaAllah
32. What are you listening to right now: this is what dreams are made of.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nopeee
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: this never ending list off 100 question.. xP
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook , Blogger , Youtube
36. What's your real name: BLAHH BLAHHH BLAHH.. u know my name
37. What's your nickname: ecah, lee an, AISYAH, syah.. blah blah ..
38. Relationship Status: MARRIED?? BAHAHAHAHA~!!
39. Zodiac sign: Sagi
40. Male or female: Female.
41. Elementary school: KOPERASI TADIKA MINDEN?
42. Middle school: SKMH.
43. High school/college: MRSM PDRM
44. Hair colour: biru, merah, kelabu, jingga, hijau, pink. :D
45. Long or short: BOTAKKKK (bakk kata cikgu rahamat~!)
46. Height: 160cm onnly. i noe. i noe. say it. "damn short ahh?"
47. Do you have a crush on someone: sedang :(
48: What do you like about yourself: i dunno. bahahaha~
49. Piercings: idung kening lidah.. hahahaa~
50. Tattoos: tatoo free makan chewing gum tyme kecik2 dlu ade laa... xP
51. Righty or lefty: Righty !

52. First surgery: nope.
53. First piercing: enntaahhhhh.. ade ke? x)
54. First best friend: ADILAH A.RAHMAN tersayaaaang
55. First sport you joined in: main kejar-kejar (if that's a sport) ~xP
56. First vacation: mummy's womb ;)
58. First pair of trainers: eennttaahhhh~!!
59. Eating: MILNA RUSK~ .heheeh~ rse2 nyeeeee la
60. Drinking: Few moments after I was born. hehe *tiru anati yg tiru far ;P
61. I'm about to: doing my task -.-'
62. Listening to: x hinggat.
63. Waiting for: balik kampung (that's the only thing on my conscience mind i've ever waited for since i was a kid)

64. Want kids: weh, for sure ar !
65. Get Married: hihi, kalaw bole cpt cpt. HAHA
66. Career: arrgggghhh~!! xtau!

67. Lips or eyes: eyes~ (one of Allah's greatest gift)
68. Hugs or kisses: both?
69. Shorter or taller: taller. du-uh -.-'
70. Older or Younger: Older ;P
71. Romantic or spontaneous: ntahhapehape~
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice arms ! heee.
73. Sensitive or loud: both :)
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship . DDUUUHHH~!!!
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: both.

76. Kissed a stranger: YES ! hahaha..
78. Lost your glasses/ contact: yeeessss!!!
79. Sex on first date: DATE PONNN X PERNAH!
80. Broken someone's heart: yes... =(
81. flirted with a hot guy: errr... hahaha~!
82. Been arrested: nope.
83. Turned someone down: yes.
84. Cried when someone died: yes... =(
85. Fallen for a friend: yes. i mean, kawan dlu kannn? then baru lebih2? hahaha~ :P

86. Yourself: haa, I do ;P
87. Miracles: dunno
88. Love at first sight: ntah. takdir Allah semua tu~
89. Heaven: YES .
90. Santa Claus: NO.
91. Kiss on the first date: no.
92. Angels: yes.

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: NEVER
95. Did you sing today: NOT YET
96. Ever cheated on somebody: ???????
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: standard 4.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: can i get the whole year? hahaha~!.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love: absolutely
100. Have you ever got sexually aroused before: =____="

ends at ::: 11.16 am.