Red Rose

Saturday, September 25, 2010

fantasies and realities

SUBJECT : Babies. (yes, babies)

last night I dreamt of getting a baby girl. yes, me in that dream got pregnant.
'my baby' was soooo damn cute! (amira kata, kalau parents dua2 hodoh.. anak memang comel =__=")
whatever. =P
anyways, i was soo happy.. but in my dream i had trouble taking care of my baby
and i was a very bad bad bad mother. (hey, i'm like.. 18?!)
owh, and i also had a problem of having a husband who is constantly outstation because I can actually recount in my dream that I wanted to wait till my husband come back home to give the baby a name.
but somehow my wait was endless (T___T) so I decided to name her anyways.
and... I named her 'AULIA INSYIRAH'. I have no idea how in the world I could actually think of a sensible name in a DREAM? (okayy.. maybe because I have always loved the name 'insyirah'). Hmm.. amira actually said that was a good name. LOL~

okay, back to my blogpost title. FANTASIES and REALITIES.

fantasy babies. they don't cry. don't puke. don't eat, drink and pass motion. they don't get on your nerves. you can easily pass them to your mom if u got sick of taking care of her. you don't have to 'educate' her. you don't have to make sure they become a good muslim to build up the ummah one day. OMG! there's so many you-don't-have-to's!!

reality babies. you HAVE to deal with late night cries. LATE.LATE.LATE.night cries. pukes.poops.perut kembung. meragam.trying to get them to sleep is another thing! (especially if u get the hyperactive babies). mendidik when u urself have loose foundation in faith. sabar. makan hati. makan jantung. makan limpa. blahh..blah.. BUT. guess what?

i still want them. xP
(just, not yet. hahaha~)
okay, enough crap. merapu. kalau umi&abah baca nieeee... hahahaa~~!!

1 comment:

  1. waaaahhhhhhhh~~~~ i got a cute niece nama aulia insyirah~~~ woot..wott... nk jd mak angkat dia... hahahahaha :D

