Red Rose

Monday, September 27, 2010


nadya kata.. "don't do it sayang"
nadya, I don't think I would.
because I feel VERY insecure.
guess what.
what I just read made me all so sure that ...
I wont be able to put up with it.
I am literally killing myself aren't I?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"you know, it's sweet how he remembers the little details about you"
syud- tentang DHIYA.
my say: couldn't agree more

PHONE survey.

what is your current ringtone:
paramore- brick by boring brick

what is your current wallpaper:
a pic of me, adik, umi & abah on hari raya

what was the last picture u took:
wahida holding a red rose

go to ur inbox and type the 5th message:
"RM0 whyda ramzi lagi 3 booklet......emmm" (hahaha~!)

how many contacts do you have on your phone?
100++ jekk

who was the last person u spoke to on the phone?

what service do you have?

who's on your speed dial number?
umi, abah, '*124#'

how many contacts starts with J?
one- JIAH

who do you call the most?
umi, abah, him, nadya

how many text messages u get a month?
lost track of them

go to your SENT.. what does the first text says?
'hoi. brape tlinga kau ade? hahaha'

last person that texted you?

last person you added to your contact?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

fantasies and realities

SUBJECT : Babies. (yes, babies)

last night I dreamt of getting a baby girl. yes, me in that dream got pregnant.
'my baby' was soooo damn cute! (amira kata, kalau parents dua2 hodoh.. anak memang comel =__=")
whatever. =P
anyways, i was soo happy.. but in my dream i had trouble taking care of my baby
and i was a very bad bad bad mother. (hey, i'm like.. 18?!)
owh, and i also had a problem of having a husband who is constantly outstation because I can actually recount in my dream that I wanted to wait till my husband come back home to give the baby a name.
but somehow my wait was endless (T___T) so I decided to name her anyways.
and... I named her 'AULIA INSYIRAH'. I have no idea how in the world I could actually think of a sensible name in a DREAM? (okayy.. maybe because I have always loved the name 'insyirah'). Hmm.. amira actually said that was a good name. LOL~

okay, back to my blogpost title. FANTASIES and REALITIES.

fantasy babies. they don't cry. don't puke. don't eat, drink and pass motion. they don't get on your nerves. you can easily pass them to your mom if u got sick of taking care of her. you don't have to 'educate' her. you don't have to make sure they become a good muslim to build up the ummah one day. OMG! there's so many you-don't-have-to's!!

reality babies. you HAVE to deal with late night cries. LATE.LATE.LATE.night cries. pukes.poops.perut kembung. meragam.trying to get them to sleep is another thing! (especially if u get the hyperactive babies). mendidik when u urself have loose foundation in faith. sabar. makan hati. makan jantung. makan limpa. blahh..blah.. BUT. guess what?

i still want them. xP
(just, not yet. hahaha~)
okay, enough crap. merapu. kalau umi&abah baca nieeee... hahahaa~~!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


it's a little something i'm interested in
but never had the time to engross myself in it.
because. me and artsy stuff don't get along well
(arts seems to have a never ending grudge on me. xP)
pluss... i dont have enough PATIENCE!
thinking of digital scrap-booking instead.
(hahahahaa~!! lazy-BUM!)

some of the examples :::

CUTE? ;)
andd... I LOVE THAT AS FOR THE FACT.. it's

100 one-oh-one

a little sumthing i picked up from my friend's friend's blog.
~credits to Anati Saufee~

time:: 10.49 a.m, 22sept2010

1. Last beverage: plain water
2. Last phone call: my friend
3. Last text message: Nadya Nanda
4. Song stuck in your head: Don't stop believing
5. Last time you cried: ???????

6. Dated someone twice: err? nope
7. Been cheated on: YES !
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: HUUUHHHHH?!!
9. Lost someone special: YES.. ;(
10. Been depressed: du-uh!
11. Been drunk and threw up: uish, NEVER LAH !

12. Blue
13. purpleeeyyy

14. Made a new friend: yes :P
15. Fallen in love: no
16. Laughed until you cried: no. AND NEVER DID?
17. Met someone who changed you: YES!
18. Found out who your true friends were: definately~!
19. Found out someone was talking about you: yes, and it hurts
20. Kissed anyone on your friend's list accidentally: what's with this kissing thing? hhaha~. no!
21. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 95% !
22. How many kids do you want to have: shhhhh~. haahha~
23. Do you have any pets: currently, NO
24. Do you wanna change your name: no way. i LOVE my name
25. What did you do for your last birthday: MOVED TO KUANTAN! =((
26. What time did you wake up today: 6.15 a.m.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping (iyess, i slept at 12 a.m)
28. Name something you CANNOT wait for: KIDS! hahaha~
29. Last time you saw your Mother: 5 days ago.. ='(
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing, insyaAllah
32. What are you listening to right now: this is what dreams are made of.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nopeee
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: this never ending list off 100 question.. xP
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook , Blogger , Youtube
36. What's your real name: BLAHH BLAHHH BLAHH.. u know my name
37. What's your nickname: ecah, lee an, AISYAH, syah.. blah blah ..
38. Relationship Status: MARRIED?? BAHAHAHAHA~!!
39. Zodiac sign: Sagi
40. Male or female: Female.
41. Elementary school: KOPERASI TADIKA MINDEN?
42. Middle school: SKMH.
43. High school/college: MRSM PDRM
44. Hair colour: biru, merah, kelabu, jingga, hijau, pink. :D
45. Long or short: BOTAKKKK (bakk kata cikgu rahamat~!)
46. Height: 160cm onnly. i noe. i noe. say it. "damn short ahh?"
47. Do you have a crush on someone: sedang :(
48: What do you like about yourself: i dunno. bahahaha~
49. Piercings: idung kening lidah.. hahahaa~
50. Tattoos: tatoo free makan chewing gum tyme kecik2 dlu ade laa... xP
51. Righty or lefty: Righty !

52. First surgery: nope.
53. First piercing: enntaahhhhh.. ade ke? x)
54. First best friend: ADILAH A.RAHMAN tersayaaaang
55. First sport you joined in: main kejar-kejar (if that's a sport) ~xP
56. First vacation: mummy's womb ;)
58. First pair of trainers: eennttaahhhh~!!
59. Eating: MILNA RUSK~ .heheeh~ rse2 nyeeeee la
60. Drinking: Few moments after I was born. hehe *tiru anati yg tiru far ;P
61. I'm about to: doing my task -.-'
62. Listening to: x hinggat.
63. Waiting for: balik kampung (that's the only thing on my conscience mind i've ever waited for since i was a kid)

64. Want kids: weh, for sure ar !
65. Get Married: hihi, kalaw bole cpt cpt. HAHA
66. Career: arrgggghhh~!! xtau!

67. Lips or eyes: eyes~ (one of Allah's greatest gift)
68. Hugs or kisses: both?
69. Shorter or taller: taller. du-uh -.-'
70. Older or Younger: Older ;P
71. Romantic or spontaneous: ntahhapehape~
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice arms ! heee.
73. Sensitive or loud: both :)
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship . DDUUUHHH~!!!
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: both.

76. Kissed a stranger: YES ! hahaha..
78. Lost your glasses/ contact: yeeessss!!!
79. Sex on first date: DATE PONNN X PERNAH!
80. Broken someone's heart: yes... =(
81. flirted with a hot guy: errr... hahaha~!
82. Been arrested: nope.
83. Turned someone down: yes.
84. Cried when someone died: yes... =(
85. Fallen for a friend: yes. i mean, kawan dlu kannn? then baru lebih2? hahaha~ :P

86. Yourself: haa, I do ;P
87. Miracles: dunno
88. Love at first sight: ntah. takdir Allah semua tu~
89. Heaven: YES .
90. Santa Claus: NO.
91. Kiss on the first date: no.
92. Angels: yes.

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: NEVER
95. Did you sing today: NOT YET
96. Ever cheated on somebody: ???????
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: standard 4.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: can i get the whole year? hahaha~!.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love: absolutely
100. Have you ever got sexually aroused before: =____="

ends at ::: 11.16 am.



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

as usual.macam biasa.
NANTI kau.. memang xleh percaya.

Uhlalala nadyaa~

tabiiikkk spring!
AT LAST, dapatt gak access through 'pre-lawrian'
and i missed out A LOT.
my bad.
sorry i was such a bad friend...
i missed u dearly

Saturday, September 18, 2010


finals is like 2 days away.
and i still have the guts to update my blog. (bagguussss kannn?! =__="). anyways, very scared to face my final but i havent studied anything. *double thumbs up!* .
oh aisyah, when would u realise. this is VERY IMPORTANT?!!
unless of course.. ur planning o spending another year here.

pray for me fellas.
chow sin chi~

bitaufiq wannajah aisyah~!


i realised that we've been drifting apart. AGAIN.
it always happen.
maybe i should start to learn detaching (if that's even a word) myself from you.
it's time for me to choose between reality and created fantasies.
i mean, COME ON....
there is no way anyone like you would have wanted anyone like me.
it's like.. impossible.
and my abg also 'adviced' me
long-term-and-LONG-DISTANCE relationships never work for GUYS.
(though i think that's the spice in a relationship)

whatthehell are u thinking?
you guys are not even in a relationship!

long story short.
stop hoping tooooooo much.
start working on it.
but if the other party seems uninterested to work it out with you.
u get the sign.
paham2 la bro!


*inspired by 'tentang Dhiya - Syud'*

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2nd Syawal 2010~

my family (my mother's side) had a BBQ.
as usual, we were expecting visits.
but we didn't expect BIG number?!
thank goodness the house manage to fit all of us.
and the food were enough.

but, nevertheless.
to us, it was very special.
we love BIG crowd! =)
seeing them in wan's house makes me soo happy!
i was relieved that everything went pretty smoothly~

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


i told ya everything because i actually believed in you.
you are one of the reasons i don't believe in bestfriends.
i told u my secret and u tell ur frens huh?
thanx a lott...~ ;)
i really appreciate it SAYANG!

guys, piercings?

sorry, but i think guys and piercing DOESNT MATCH!
Rasulallah wasiatkan piercings for girls.
untuk membezakan telinga lelaki dan perempuan..
so guys, nape korang nak pierce jugak?!
sangat lamaaa x update blog!