Red Rose

Monday, February 28, 2011

birthdaysurprise yang tak jadi

27th Jan 2010: birthday Ziraa Zirot

so, DG8 plan nak buat surprise party lahh konon :P
then,, tiba-tibaa zira ajak makan luar.. 
thenn semua pun reject laaa (sebab kalau semua kenyang.. sapee nk makan? xP )
tibatiba cik aziraa nie touchingg pulakk,, then trus keluar..
sudahhh .. kalut gilaa kot mse tue.
kelamkabut laa b'siap dlm mse 15 minit ntuk beli domino's
(tak pernahh wehh,, b'siap secepat itu!)

tp siap awal punn x gune jugakk... =__="
teksi lambat.. (okay, teksi jekkk,, xdak kereta lgii.. ahhaha~)
sempatt lgii snap gambar weh!

dah abes belii,, tibatiba kawan cik ziraa tue,,, sms kitaorg 
"wehh, ayah dia datang. dia keluar dengan ayah dia"

xpelaaa.. kitaorang tggu jelah sampai dye balikk..
dan dia sampai dorm adelaa... dalam pukul 10 lebiihhh,,,
dalam keadaan KEKENYANGAN!
grrrrrr :P

xpelaa.. nak buat cmne. surprise x jadii..

nie cik aziraa kitaa:

okayy, sila ignore dorm yg sangat 'kemas' niee dehh


tengok seluar azuee!! 

(tgk seluar jekk yee.. dye dah berpunya :D )

Friday, February 25, 2011

ahhh... shhiiitt

it's only the first day of holiday and i already feel alone
adikk .. balik cepat.. :'(

it's called karma. i think

where is everbody when i need them?!
oh yeah, exactly where i were when they needed me.
that explains everything.
padan mukaa