Red Rose

Monday, October 11, 2010

cream puff~

PMR ends today~!
(gaya kauu jekk yg PMR.. =__=")
anyways,, my sis likes cream puff or whatever u called it to be.
so i decided to TRY making some for her.
(yeah.. good thing she doesnt read my blog.. or she'll say "akak, ape geli sangat?")
and.. i was excited bilaaa benda tue menjadi.
(MENJADI okayy.. bukan SEDAP. just MENJADI)
i don't really know how it suppose to taste since i'm not a fan of it.
and my sis n mum is fasting.. so, the 'evaluation' would be done during iftar
but anyways.. i'll put some picture later coz skrng x jumpa cabel.

and here's the recipe.

for the cream puff whatever.. (it makes 10)


  • 100ml plain water
  • 45g butter
  • 60g flour
  • 2 eggs (100g)

how to's~

  1. preheat oven (200C)
  2. alaskan oven plate dengan aluminium foil and grease it. but i skipped the aluminium foil part. grease the oven plate terus. (make sure it's CLEAN though)
  3. sift(ayak) flour in a bowl, set aside
  4. beat eggs in different bowl, set aside
  5. insert butter and plain water in a pot and let it boil.
  6. once it boils, insert the flour and stir.
  7. stir until no batter sticks to the pot
  8. then insert eggs and stir again
  9. put your batter in a piping bag and pipe ur batter on the greased foil/oven plate.
  10. spray some water on it (i skipped this one too. sbb terlupa. ngeh3~)
  11. bake it for about 15-20 minutes (u have to frequently check up on it)

for the fillings~

i know it's not the best of instructions. but.. gud luck~ ;)

basically i took it from '' but the page keeps crashing so i can't put up a link.

fillings dye.. nnt laa post recipe

