Red Rose

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

salam, the name is aisyah. Iam eighteen going on nineteen :D

recent picture?

oh-so-serious xD

here's 15 interesting facts

  1.  i happen to love my name
  2. i don't like chocolates (exception for certain types of them)
  3.  i dont mix with people well 
  4.  chocolates make me dizzy
  5. when i'm nervous, or too excited.. i start to talk 'train-fast'
  6. I dont regret whatever happen in my life.. SO FAR (take it good or bad ... mistakes is where i learn about life)
  7. my dream car is this car 
  8. i love flowers! especially cherry blossoms (though i never got to see it upfront. yet? :P)
  9. i like guys with long NEAT bouncy hair. xD
  10. i like guys who can sport casual look with a suit
  11. i LOVE kids
  12. i worked at a childcare centre, once (2 days) xP
  13. i LOVE dancing even though i'm no good at it
  14. i have multiple personality . HAHAH 
  15. I am a SHAWOL! xD

1 comment:

  1. #8 & #14, ME TOO ME TOO!!!!


    Check my FB later, kkkk~

