Red Rose

Friday, April 23, 2010

tundukkan pandanganmu.

my sister told me about a 'scene' between her and my little cousin mahira..

okay, they were in the car and my sister was looking out the window, then suddenly a group of boys walk to the direction of ther car, and so, my sis look away ...

mahira: kak maryam tak nak tengok lelaki ke? kak maryam malu ye??
maryam: mahira, kita perempuan, kena tundukkan pandangan .. mana boleh maen tengok lelaki sana sini ..
mahira: owhh .. macam tu ke ..

the funny part, eversince that day, everytime there's a guy take it on the sidewalks or in the television, mahira would closed maryam's eyes, shouting "Kak Maryam!! jangan tengok!!"


budak2 memang dengar kata (sumtimes)

